Protection From Abuse Lawyers in Camp Hill, PA
As Protection From Abuse (PFA) lawyers, our firm at Dethlefs Pykosh & Murphy have defended clients who had a PFA filled against them as well as those who have needed to file them. Whatever your situation may be, you will want Dethlefs Pykosh & Murphy on your side.
Why Hire Dethlefs Pykosh & Murphy?
Our team of former prosecutors and life long defense attorneys have years of experience arguing before judges in PFA hearings. Dethlefs Pykosh & Murphy are here to help protect you and your family. Unlike other firms, we don’t believe in exorbitant hourly fees that leave you guessing what your legal counsel will end up costing at the end of your legal case process. At your initial appointment, you will be quoted a competitive rate based solely on what resolving your crisis will entail. Charging extra for standard services is just not acceptable to us.
Experienced PFA Attorneys
Get to know PFA Attorneys, Jonathan White, Jessica Bush, and R. Mark Thomas.
Years Experience
How do you file for a PFA?
If you are 18 years of age or older, you can file a protection from abuse order from a current or former significant other or family member by marriage or blood. This includes same sex partnerships. Ultimately, if you are experiencing domestic abuse it is important to seek outside help. First, you’ll need to file for a petition at your nearest courthouse and plea your case. Next, a judge will review your case ex parte to determine if you will be granted a temporary PFA or if the claim will be dismissed. Finally, if the judge grants a temporary PFA, a hearing will be scheduled to determine if the PFA will remain in effect or be terminated.
In the meantime, take all safety precautionaries that you can. For example, change your contact information, any locks (if permitted), and share a copy of the order with the local police and your support system.
Dethlefs Pykosh & Murphy are here to assist you through these difficult times. Contact us with any questions you may have.
When a PFA is filed against you, what does it mean?
A Protection From Abuse Order is more than a piece of paper. There are serious orders that may follow and you should be prepared. A Court granted PFA could last up to three years and the effects could last a lifetime.
What to expect?:
- Removal from your home
- Banned from owning firearms for protection or hunting
- Banned from communicating with your children
- Negative impact on your job or security clearance
- Inability to carry on your daily public life without fear of arrest
- Fines
- Up to six months in jail
- A permanent criminal record
Frequently Asked Questions
Dethlefs Pykosh & Murphy have collected commonly asked questions from PFA clients to share with you. This effort below is to help you gain a better understanding of what you may need to know before making a decision to seek legal guidance. As always, we are here to serve you. Can’t find what you are looking for? Contact us for your free, no obligation consultation meeting.
I was served with a PFA, what should I do?
A PFA, whether temporary or final, prevents you from having ANY contact with the protected party. Even incidental interactions can lead to an arrest, incarceration, or criminal conviction. It is important to know your rights and to exercise those rights immediately.
Ask us anything about your case! We are here to help.
Protection From Abuse and Firearms
As of April 2019, those convicted of domestic violence, or those subject to protection from abuse (PFA) orders, will have only...