When purchasing your own auto insurance, people often seek “Full Coverage” not knowing what they are purchasing. Insurance selection can be complicated and frustrating but we are here to help guide you in the right direction.
Full coverage refers to the minimum coverage that you must have to legally operate your car. This may include collision coverage to repair damage to the vehicle. Full coverage may legally allow you onto the road, but it doesn’t protect you if you are injured in an accident.
How can you become covered? You will be offered a selection of either Full or Limited Tort. This selection will determine whether you can recover for injuries when someone causes an accident which you are involved.
What is Limited Tort?
Limited Tort gives you limited rights to legally pursue damages when you are injured in an accident that was someone else’s fault.
Limited Tort fees are the cheaper option, however if injured, you MAY NOT sue the driver who caused your injuries for the pain, suffering, and loss of quality of life they caused, unless it is deemed that you had a serious impairment of body function.
What is Full Tort?
Full Tort means full rights. With this coverage, you have the rights to fully protect yourself if ever injured in an accident.
It is always better to choose FULL TORT to protect you and your family. Call us at Dethlefs Pykosh & Murphy if you would like to discuss your insurance coverages.